Sunday, March 16, 2014

humble apologies

I am sorry that I have not updated this blog recently. One of my reasons for not keeping current is that I felt as though I had no news to report. I have decided (at least temporarily) not to attempt the fecal transplant procedure as I had previously planned. My decision had to do with many factors, but to simplify it, I was feeling the best I have felt in 3 years, and did not wish to jeopardize the progress I had made with such an unknown procedure as this. I decided I was not ready for that risk. since then, my symptoms have worsened slightly, but my opportunity to do the fecal transplant is not currently available to me. I will keep it as an option for the future, and will certainly update here if anything changes. I am sorry if I have let anyone down, and I wish you all luck and happiness moving forward.

be well