Friday, July 18, 2014

the day after

felt pretty goof first half of day.....a little more gassy and painful later on. i expected not to feel well today, but it bothered me that the day started off good, then got worse. oh well, tomorrow is a new day.
be well

Thursday, July 17, 2014

today is the day

So, wish me luck!
Short n sweet, i did my colonoscopy eating......lots of shitting.
I have to show up at hospital at 1:30pm. procedure should start at 3pm. my donor already dropped off "the goods"  Not much else to say, im optimistic and looking forward to getting through it and out on the other side better than ever. im hungry as fuck ;)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Ups and Downs

OK. im getting another opportunity to do the transplant. This time it will be done by a doctor, in a hospital via colonoscope. im not feeling like writing alot right now, but please feel free to ask me questions, and i will keep updated on my process. the procedure is scheduled for 7/17/14.......about 10 days from now. high hopes!